Friday, October 19, 2007

Discovering Your Website Appeal

Discovering Your Website Appeal
By Mark Gerrad

When you’re designing your website, you have a look you wish to achieve. This look is usually geared towards the product or service you are providing. For example, a website that wants to sell several products will have images and relevant text (content) to describe the products and their benefits.

A service oriented website typically states the service offered and why this service should be used by the customer and the benefits of the service. The appearance is typically flat (meaning straight forward).

The product and service centric website will both have design elements in common:

* Simple to navigate
* Clear layout
* Site map
* Consistency

When choosing the colours of your website, experimentation will help, however avoid garish text and difficult fonts. Traditionally, Times New Roman, Arial, Garamond, Tahoma and Palatino Linotype have been used for many websites. Times New Roman and Arial function well when your customers have to read long passages of text (such as your sales letter). Garamond and Tahoma are very good for shorter descriptions. However avoid mixing and matching too many fonts with each other. This will create visual disparity between what you wish to say (in your writing) and what your target audience (customer) wants. This will translate in minimal or dismal sales; definitely not what you want for your business!

Also, bear in mind that your customer came to your website in search of information. Help them by making it easy to obtain information about your company, the products or services you provide.

Avoid price lists in service related websites. Why? Because you narrow the opportunity to negotiate. For example, if you have a psychotherapist website and you automatically place £500 for 1 hour session, you’ll have very little customers. However, if you state that you would have to qualify your potential clients (to see if they fit you as well as if they want your services) with a FREE 1 hour consultation then you will most likely convert this individual into a paying customer.

Remember, the visitor to your website wants something. As a business owner, why not make it easier for them to obtain what they want, from you?

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Why You Must Absolutely Have A Website?

Why You Must Absolutely Have A Website?

In today’s culture, a website represents your business card – even if you don’t have a business! Your child may have a website, your neighbour may have a website and even your local place of worship has a website.

A website allows you to communicate – keep in touch with as many people as possible while at the same time minimising the cost of doing so. Can you imagine the cost of consistently printing and mailing to 2000 loyal customers every month?

A website cuts down on your total cost of postage and your everyday word processing software cuts down on physically writing out every greeting or piece of correspondence.

However, a website does the one thing that you’re always looking for: a website helps to free your time.

Your time is the most precious commodity that you’ll never be able to get back. You’ll never be able to play that magnificent round of golf, go vacationing with the family or watching your child perform in their school play if you’re constantly trying to free yourself of responsibilities.

A website is a lot of work to start. That’s the truth. The best way to look at your website is to view it as your own body. When you put the right fuel (food) in your system your body runs efficiently. You aren’t constipated, you have lots of energy and you feel great. Combine this with a little exercise and you’ll live a fairly long life. When you start feeding yourself bad food, you start to feel tired and irritable. You may gain weight and start outgrowing your favourite clothing.

That’s the same thing that could happen to your website if it gets neglected. Just like your body, a website starts to deteriorate. The pride that you showed at having a website disappears and your website suffers.

If you still have doubts about having a website, think of it as your on-line sales centre. Imagine having a system that can take your orders when you are asleep. Or a system that will allow you to take a holiday and monitor your sales if you like without asking a sales manager? Maybe you don’t want to hire and train a new employee to take your orders and to know your sales process. A website helps you be better at what you do, not what you shouldn’t.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Let's blog about webservices.

Through this, let’s share the ideas and information’s about, domain registrations, web hosting, web tools, reseller hosting, servers-mail marketing, web design, search engine..... etc

Feel free to post your comments ( blog freely)
